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Stakeholder involvement is particularly important in education, where interventions are often complex, and educators bring valuable expertise that situates empirical findings in the on-the-ground reality of schools.

In November, the HEDCO Institute published a brief report summarizing what research has been done to date, such as what student populations, schools, and states have been studied. Here's how to use it.

Are humans ready to use AI to help us with evidence-based decision making in the K-12 education space? And is AI technology ready to assist us?

In this month’s guest blog post, Assistant Research Professor Gena Nelson shares her motivation for conducting a systematic review of the literature on home-based math activities, as well as some key highlights from the review.

This month we share information on evidence-informed interventions available to schools for increasing students’ sense of school belonging.

School belonging, sometimes called school connectedness, is a broad concept that covers important systems-level factors like school policies and school climate, along with person-level factors such as relationships among students, teachers, peers, and school staff and a

To celebrate Pride Month and to launch our blog series on school belonging, this month’s post focuses on school belonging and connectedness for youth who identify as lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, questioning, intersex, asexual, or identify their sexual orientatio

Many educators are interested in programs that are culturally specific. Yet in this review, only 31% of reviewed studies reported the race and ethnicity of their student sample, and just 33% offered information on cultural tailoring of their programs