
HEDCO Institute for Evidence-Based Educational Practice

Our Mission

To provide K-12 education and policy leaders in the United States with relevant, accessible, valid, and reliable information about the latest research so they can implement evidence-informed practices and policies that promote the physical, mental, and social well-being of students, schools, and communities.

teacher working with grade school children

We aim to impact future generations by supporting today’s educators.

Dedicated to strengthening connections between research and practice in K-12 education, the HEDCO Institute for Evidence-Based Educational Practice aims to impact future generations by supporting today’s educators. Part of the University of Oregon’s College of Education, the institute provides K-12 education leaders in the United States with relevant, accessible, and reliable information about the latest research so they can implement evidence-informed practices and policies.

A team of researchers and educators

“The HEDCO Institute aims to provide the public with timely, trusted information about best practices for promoting healthy students and schools. Our work is made possible by the stellar team of educators, communicators, and researchers who partner with us to support evidence-informed educational practice.” 

- Dr. Emily Tanner-Smith, Executive Director

Meet Our Team

Sculpture "Unity and Harmony: An Environmental Artwork" by Masayuki Nagase, HEDCO Education Building & Lorry I. Lokey Education Building adjoining Kendall Plaza

A legacy of education

The institute is proud to be part of the College of Education at the University of Oregon, which has an international reputation for conducting innovative work in the areas of assessment, interventions, positivity youth development, and effective educational practices. 

UO College of Education

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Latest Ask HEDCO articles  


One injury or death caused by violence in the school setting is already too much, but let’s dig into the data a bit more to get a better sense of what’s going on.


Despite schools being positioned as a crucial setting for youth suicide prevention, there remains confusion over what key prevention activities are effective and how these efforts should be organized.


This month the HEDCO Institute is pleased to launch an evidence synthesis resources page, designed to help connect you with different types of resources. If you're looking to use evidence in your school or looking to conduct evidence synthesis, we've got you covered.